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Reliance on Science in Patenting
M. Marx & A. Fuegi (2020) Strategic Management Journal 41(9):1572-1594.
From Academia to Industry: Hubs as Bridges from University Discoveries to Industry Technologies

M. Bikard & M. Marx. Management Science 66(8):3425-3443 (2020).

Government-funded research increasingly fuels innovation
L. Fleming, H. Greene, G. Li, M. Marx, & D. Yao (2019). Science 364(6446): 1139-1141. (2019).
Founder Replacement and Startup Performance

M. Ewens & M. Marx (2017).  The Review of Financial Studies 31(4):1532-1565.  [download]

Hiring Molecules, Not Atoms: Comobility and Wages

M. Marx & B. Timmermans (2017). Organization Science 28(6):1115-1133 . [download]

Revisiting the Small-firm Effect on Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Firm Dissolutions

A. Kacperczyk & M. Marx (2016). Organization Science 27(4):893-910. [download]

Strategic "Switchbacks": Dynamic Commercialization Strategies for Technology Entrepreneurs

M. Marx & D. Hsu (2015). Forthcoming in Research Policy. [download]

The Value of Employee Retention: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

K. Younge & M. Marx (2015). Forthcoming in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. [download]

Regional Disadvantage? Employee Non-compete Agreements and Brain Drain

M. Marx, J. Singh, & L. Fleming (2015). Research Policy 44:394-404. [download]

Dynamic Commercialization Strategies for Disruptive Technologies

M. Marx, J. Gans, & D. Hsu (2014). Management Science 60(12):3103-3123. [download]

Geographic Constraints on Knowledge Diffusion: Political Borders vs. Spatial Proximity

J. Singh & M. Marx (2013). Management Science 59(9):2056-2078. [download]

Non-compete Agrements: Barriers to Entry..and Exit?

M. Marx & L. Fleming (2012). Innovation Policy and the Economy 12. [download]

The Firm Strikes Back: Non-compete Agreements and the Mobility of Technical Professionals

M. Marx (2011). American Sociological Review 76(5):695-712. [download]

Mobility, Skills, and the Michigan Non-compete Experiment

M. Marx, D. Strumsky, & L. Fleming (2009). Management Science 55(6)875-889 (lead article). INFORMS Technology Management Section award for the best innovation and entrepreneurship article published in Management Science or Organization Science during 2009[download]

Managing Inventive Creativity in Small Worlds

L. Fleming & M. Marx (2007). California Management Review 48(4):6-27. Accenture Award for Contribution to Management Practice. [download]

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